- March 10, 2021
- Posted by: admin
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Welcome to Respite Australia Care!
Client Induction Pack!
We are excited to be working with you and hope to help support your needs and achieve your goals.
We have developed this Client Induction Pack to provide you with information about us and the services and supports that we provide. If you have any questions about this Client Information Pack, just ask! You can chat to us at any time by:
- calling us on 0449 603 770; or
- emailing us on info@respiteaustraliacare.com.au
We want to communicate with you in a way that you understand
We want to communicate with you in a way that you understand. While we endeavour to use plain language and some of our staff speak a number of different languages, we have relationships with interpreters and advocates that can assist if you can’t understand us or we can’t understand you.
Respite Australia Care is more than happy to arrange bilingual staff or a qualified interpreter to help you communicate your needs, goals and desires with us at any stage of the support provision process. There is a fee for this service but it can help us to better understand you and what you want from your time with us. For important meetings, such as support planning meetings, we highly recommend involving an interpreter if we are unable to speak your language.
Our Services
At Respite Australia Care we pride ourselves on providing high quality services and supports in the following areas:
- Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements
- Daily Personal Activities
- Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
- Household Tasks
- Participation in Social
- Civic and Community Activities
- Community Nursing Care
- Assistance With Daily Life Tasks In A Group Or Shared Living Arrangement
- Accommodation/Tenancy Assistance
- Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- Personal Mobility Equipment Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports Assistance with daily personal activities
- Specialist Behaviour Supports
- Innovative Community Participation
- Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- Therapeutic Supports
- Specialist Disability Accommodation
- Specialised Support Coordination
- Children, Youth and Family Services (CYFS)
- Short Stay Accommodation (STA Respite)
- Long term Accommodation ( Long term Respite)
The Prices for these services are set out in the attached Price Schedule.
Our process
You may review information about us and our services in this Client Information Pack, [on our website https://respiteaustraliacare.com.au or by reaching out using the contact details above. To help provide you with the right answers to your questions, we would have already asked and may ask some additional questions about you. At that time, we probably had a conversation and to help us to decide if we are able to provide a service to meet your needs. We offer services based on eligibility criteria. You will be provisionally eligible to receive services and supports from Respite Australia Care if you:
- are a person with a disability of an age which Respite Australia Care is permitted to provide services pursuant to its NDIS registration;
- live close to Respite Australia Care’s base of operations;
- are seeking to be assisted by Respite Australia Care in relation to a support or service set out in the “Our Services” section below; and
- have a source of individualised government funding (i.e. you are an NDIS participant) or have a source of private funding.
If we think we can help, we will arrange a time to meet with you, discuss your needs and a potential engagement. We will discuss the terms of a potential Service Agreement and collaborate on its terms.
After the meeting, Respite Australia Care will undertake any further required checks and review relevant supporting evidence to make absolutely sure we can help you.If we can help, we will deliver to you a completed Service Agreement between you and us based on the information included in the Client Intake Form we discussed and collaborated on at our meeting.
If you understand and are satisfied with the terms of the Service Agreement, you will be requested to sign the Service Agreement and return it to Respite Australia Care for execution. Upon execution by Respite Australia Care, we will provide you with a fully executed copy of the Service Agreement and the terms of the agreement will be binding on both parties.
Support Planning
Once you have access to our services you will be involved in an assessment which will help you communicate your needs, strengths and wants to our staff. You will be fully involved in the assessment and may have an advocate, your family and any people you wish involved in the process. You will be provided with a copy of the assessment. After that, with you and your support team, family and any person you request to act as your advocate or decide to involve in the support planning process, we will develop and document a support plan. Services are planned to complement your strengths, needs and current supports.
You will be requested to sign your plan in acknowledgement of your involvement in its development and you will also be provided with a copy. Your plan will be reviewed at regular intervals with you to reflect your progress and any changes you want to the support being provided. We adhere to our legislative and funding agreement requirements to ensure we meet your expectations and provide a high level of service. We continuously work to ensure our supports and services meet the NDIS Practice Standards and are covered by your NDIS Plan.
We recognise the significance of matching the right staff member to meet your needs and consider a number of factors such as personality, language, culture and skill requirements. We encourage and support you to be involved in the process of matching your needs with the right staff. We can also support you to access an advocate of your choice to support you in this process.
Our Staff
At Respite Australia Care we employ qualified and experienced staff. We assess each person’s suitability for this type of work through our rigorous recruitment and induction process which includes screening, verification of qualifications and experience and a detailed induction and orientation program. Staff are required to undergo criminal record checks and when necessary, Working with Children Checks. All of our staff are trained in the NDIS Worker Orientation Module and in COVID-19 Infection Control. At Respite Australia Care our staff are required to undertake additional training and professional development.
Exiting Service
You can leave our services at any time and in accordance with the terms of our Services Agreement. We will support you to find other services if you require assistance. Should you wish to return to us at any time our staff will be happy to support you through the intake process. From time to time there may be a need for us to advise you that we are no longer able to provide you. We will only withdraw services if we are permitted to do so in accordance with the terms of our Services Agreement. If this does occur, we will work with you to find and access a provider who is able to support you.
Your Rights
In the provision of our supports and services, Respite Australia Care is committed to ensuring that you have the right to:
(a) respect for your human worth and dignity.
(b) freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making.
(c) realise your potential for physical, social, emotional and intellectual development.
(d) full participation in society equal to other people, according to your individual and cultural needs and preferences.
(e) autonomy including your right to intimacy and sexual expression.
(f) information and support to understand and exercise your legal and human rights.
(g) privacy of your personal information and sensitive information.
(h) raise concerns and be supported to formalise complaints.
Your Choice
Respite Australia Care is committed to collaboration and consultation with you (and your family, carers and chosen community where appropriate) to promote and ensure active choice and control in relation to your services and supports.
We are committed to providing you with sufficient time to consider and review your options and seek advice if required in relation to decisions that affect your life by ensuring your involvement in the planning, provision, management and evaluation of the services and supports you receive.
We are committed to employing a person-centred approach in service delivery, placing your right to self-determination at the centre of decision making processes, including keeping you informed of choices, opportunities and potential limitations so you can make informed choices, including a dignity of risk decision. We proactively and sensitively support our Clients to develop their capacity to make informed choices, exercise control and maximise their independence relating to the services and supports we provide to them.
Our Responsibilities
Respite Australia Care will:
(i) act with respect for your individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making in accordance with applicable laws and conventions.
(j) respect your privacy.
(k) provide Services in a safe and competent manner with care and skill.
(l) act with integrity, honesty and transparency.
(m) promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that may impact the quality and safety of Services.
(n) take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against, and exploitation, neglect and abuse of, people with disability.
(o) take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct.
(p) arrive at the location where the Services are to be provided at the appointment time, ready to deliver the Services.
(q) provide the Services in a way that is consistent with all applicable laws, including the NDIS Act, NDIS Rules, the National Privacy Principles and the Australian Consumer Law.
(r) treat you with dignity and respect at all times and value your legal and human rights, including your right to make informed choices concerning the Services to be provided to you.
(s) notify you about changes to appointment times and other changes to the delivery of Services.
(t) with your reasonable assistance, provide a safe and comfortable space for the delivery of the Services.
(u) treat your information as private and confidential.
(v) provide timely invoices and statements for the Services.
(w) communicate openly, honestly and promptly with you.
(x) keep accurate and up-to-date records of all the Services provided to you.
(y) make contact with the NDIA about your Plan when necessary.
Responsibilities of the Client
You and your Representatives agree to:
(a) let Respite Australia Care know about any concerns you have with any of the Services which are being provided.
(b) be actively involved in designing the support plan and setting and monitoring goals.
(c) ensure the fees for the Services are able to be met within the funding available in your approved Plan.
(d) ensure all invoices are paid promptly and in full.
(e) immediately notify Respite Australia Care if you stop being a participant in the NDIS.
(f) keep Respite Australia Care informed of any change in circumstances that will likely affect the delivery of Services or impact this Agreement such as, where you live, medication/medical treatments and procedures, behavioural changes that are likely to impact on the safe delivery of the Services, guardianship and care arrangements.
(g) Be at the designated location where the Services are to be provided at the agreed appointment time.
(h) treat all Respite Australia Care staff, workers and others present during the delivery of supports and services with respect and abide by Respite Australia Care’s Policies.
(i) let us know if you suspend, change, or intend to change, your Plan, or if you are no longer a participant in the NDIS.
(j) provide Respite Australia Care with a copy of any updated or revised Plan as soon as reasonably possible.
(k) Respite Australia Care providing documents and email updates to you electronically; and
(l) inform Respite Australia Care if you do not want to receive documents or email updates electronically.
Conflicts of interest
If we are permitted to provide you with support coordination as well as other supports, a conflict of interest may arise. You will always be informed of other alternative providers available to provide necessary support, enabling you to exercise choice and control in the support you receive including from Respite Australia Care. You are also informed of any relevant conflicts with other providers who may have a relationship with Respite Australia Care, where this is relevant.
Specifically and where conducting support coordination services, to ensure that any perceived or actual conflict of interest is managed, when obtaining quotes for services on a Client’s behalf, we will endeavour to always provide 3 quotes (if possible) from other services, in addition to our own. It is then your decision if you would like to choose Respite Australia Care’s services and supports or go with another provider. Your decision to choose an alternative provider will not affect any services or supports provided by Respite Australia Care at all!.
Your Safety
Respite Australia Care will endeavour to provide a safe environment for you and a safe workplace for our staff. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying or discrimination or other form of unacceptable conduct. Any form of physical, verbal, sexual or threatening behaviour, intentional or unintentional, is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Our Incident Management and Reporting Policy will be used to manage these situations if they arise. We encourage an environment where clients and staff are treated with dignity and respect and where staff conducts themselves professionally at all times.
As a person using our services you have a right to feel safe and be free from abuse and neglect. We have a complaints process which you should use if you feel unsafe. If you feel you need an advocate to make a complaint or report any inappropriate behaviour we can support you to access an advocate of your choice.
Respite Australia Care acknowledges and respects your rights to privacy and is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information. We use information in line with legislative requirements. To provide services, we are required to collect a range of personal information and sensitive information. We primarily collect this information to assess, plan, and provide quality services to meet your individual needs. If you provide incomplete or inaccurate information to us, we may not be able to provide you with the services you require.
Your personal information also allows us to perform other internal processes such as health and safety, risk management, account keeping, staff training, quality assurance and to meet government and regulatory requirements where there is a threat to public health. Respite Australia Care may at times disclose personal information where it is necessary to deliver services or required by law. Personal information may only be disclosed outside Respite Australia Care when you have consented, it is in accordance with the purpose for which we collected the information, and/or we have a legal obligation to do so.
Respite Australia Care takes all reasonable steps to safeguard the security of personal information from unauthorised use, access, modification or disclosure. Respite Australia Care staff who handle personal information have a duty to protect that information and are granted access on a ‘need to know’ basis. Personal information no longer required is disposed of appropriately. You have the right to request access to the personal information that Respite Australia Care holds about you and to update/change as required. To exercise this right please contact Respite Australia Care.
Feedback and Complaints
(a) If you feel comfortable, you are encouraged to raise any feedback, concerns or complaints with us first, as this is often the best way to have your issue resolved quickly.
(b) You can make a complaint to Respite Australia Care :
(1) in person to the Principal or a staff member;
(2) by email to info@respiteaustraliacare.com.au
(3) on our website https://respiteaustraliacare.com.au or
(4) verbally by telephone to 0449 603 770.
For all written feedback or complaints, you are encouraged to provide your complaint in the form of our written Feedback and Complaint Form.
(c) You can make a complaint to the NDIS Commission by:
(1) Phoning: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged.
(2) National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544.
(3) Visiting https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/about/complaints and completing a complaint contact form.
The NDIS Commission can take complaints about:
(4) services or supports that were not provided in a safe and respectful way.
(5) services and supports that were not delivered to an appropriate standard.
(d) We will endeavour to resolve all complaints promptly in accordance with our Feedback and Complaints Management Policy.
17. Incident Management
Respite Australia Care is committed to ensuring that an incident management system is maintained that complies with the requirements under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018. Our Incident Management System is documented in accordance with our Incident Management and Reporting Policy. If you would like a copy of the policy, we would be pleased to provide a copy to you.
If you observe or are the subject of an Incident that does or could cause permanent or temporary detriment to your or another person, you must report the Incident to us.
You will be protected against any adverse actions as a result of reporting or alleging that an Incident has occurred. There will be no negative consequences for reporting incidents.
Incidents include:
(a) acts, omissions, events or circumstances that:
(1) occur in connection with Respite Australia Care and its Workers providing supports or services to a person with disability; and
(2) have, or could have, caused harm to the person with disability;
(b) acts by a person with disability that:
(1) occur in connection with providing supports or services to the person with disability; and
(2) have caused serious harm, or a risk of serious harm, to another person; and
Incidents which occur in relation to the provision of Respite Australia Care’s services are managed consistently and effectively in accordance with our Incident Management and Reporting Policy. The policy includes procedures that we consistently follow to assess, investigate and resolve incidents. We also have procedures to help support you in relation to incidents which may impact or effect you.We also follow strict procedures in relation to reporting Reportable Incidents to the NDIS Commission and other external bodies (as applicable).
18. Advocacy
Respite Australia Care understands that you may wish to have your rights and concerns represented in the course of service delivery. As a client you have a right to be represented by an advocate at any time and we encourage the use of advocates during the assessment and planning process; advocates can be a family member, friend, medical practitioner or from an advocacy body. Your Client manager can assist you to access the services of an advocacy body. Please see the Advocacy Services list available on the Office of Public Advocate website.